1750 9th Avenue | Suite 201 | Port Arthur, TX 77641 | ph (409) 985-6657 | fax (409) 982-7805

3030 North Street | Suite 340 | Beaumont, TX 77402 | ph (409) 899-1117 | fax (409) 899-4440
  Quick Facts

Get New Kidney Disease Resources in Spanish

To view a brochure outlining the Medicare prescription drug benefit click here for English or Spanish.

American Board of
Internal Medicine

American Board of
What is Nephrology?
Nephrology is the study and treatment of kidney disease. Doctors, nurses and technicians all specialize in treating patients with kidney disorders. Nephrologists treat patients with kidney disorders and manage transplant protocols in hospitals and for transplant networks. They also manage dialysis centers and programs. Like other specialists, these doctors serve an additional residency in their field, beyond the standard training for a general practitioner. Because kidney disease affects the entire body, a nephrologist must also have a good grasp on other aspects of internal medicine, and how renal failure can cause other body systems to fail
Kidney disorders may be caused by congenital defects, by disease or by lifestyle. The field even specializes into pediatric nephrology, which deals exclusively with kidney disease or disorders in children.more

take charge Take Charge of Your Kidney Health
Click on the wallet card to find important health information that you can discuss with your doctor. To download free brochures about kidney disease click here.

American Kidney Fund Programs and Services (Spanish)
Este folleto informativo detalla los muchos programas que ofrece el American Kidney Fund para asistir a pacientes con falla renal. Este folleto es proporcinado por GRATIS.
Download the PDF version for free
Nephrology Associates
Dr. Cyprien L. Vertil

Board Certified In Nephrology and Internal Medicine by the American Board of Internal Medicine
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